Message Flow Component Statistics Test

A message flow node is a processing step in a message flow. It can be a built-in node, a user-defined node, or a subflow node.

A message flow node receives a message, performs a set of actions against the message, and optionally passes the original message, and none or more other messages, to the next node in the message flow.

A message flow node has a fixed number of input and output points known as terminals. You can make connections between the terminals to define the routes that a message can take through a message flow.

This test auto discovers the message flow nodes in the target IBM Integration server and alerts administrators on how well the messages are processed. In addition, this test helps you to review the time taken by each node to process the input messages and the time taken by the CPU of each node to process the input messages. This way, administrators may be alerted to processing bottlenecks on the node that is currently experiencing slowdowns in processing the messages.

Target of the test : An IBM Integration Bus

Agent deploying the test : An internal/remote agent.

Outputs of the test : One set of results for each Execution Group: Message flow: Message flow node of the IBM Integration Bus that is to be monitored

Configurable parameters for the test
Parameters Description

Test period

How often should the test be executed.


The host for which the test is to be configured.


The port on which the specified host listens.

JNDI Namespace Location

Indicate where the JNDI namespace has been created. For this, select one of the following options: File or LDAP. Select File if the JNDI namespace is created in the same location as that of the IIB server.


If you have chosen LDAP as the JNDI Namespace Location wherein the LDAP server communicating with the IIB server that is to be monitored is an SSL-enabled server, then set the SSL flag to Yes. By default, this flag is set to No.

User DN and Password

Here, provide the credentials of the Active Directory user created as explained in Creating a user in the Active Directory server, if the target IIB server is monitored in an agentless manner. If the IIB server is to be monitored in an agent based manner, specify none against these parameters.

Confirm Password

Confirm the Password by retyping it in this text box.

JNDI Provider URL

Specify the URL that was specified as the provider URL while creating the initial context. To know the Provider URL, refer to Agent based monitoring of the IIB server if you choose to monitor the target IIB server in an agent based manner and Agentless Monitoring of the IIB server if you chose to monitor the target IIB server in an agentless manner.


Specify the name of the connection factory in this text box. If you have chosen to monitor the target IIB server in an agent-based manner, refer to Creating a Connection Factory and if you have chosen to monitor the target IIB server in an agentless manner, refer to Creating a Connection Factory.

JMS Resource Stats

Specify the name of the JMS destination that you have created for storing the Resource statistics. If you chose to monitor the target IIB server in an agentless manner, refer to Creating the JMS Destinations and if you choose to monitor the target IIB server in an agent based manner, refer to Agent based monitoring of the IIB server.

JMS Flow Stats

Specify the name of the JMS destination that you have created for storing the Message flow statistics. If you chose to monitor the target IIB server in an agentless manner, refer to Creating the JMS Destinations and if you choose to monitor the target IIB server in an agent based manner, refer to Agent based monitoring of the IIB server.

Measurements made by the test
Measurement Description Measurement Unit Interpretation

Average elapsed time

Indicates the average time taken by this node to process the input messages.


Comparing the value of this measure across the message flow nodes helps you identify the node that is taking too long to process the input messages.

Maximum elapsed time

Indicates the maximum time taken by this node to process an input message.



Average CPU time

Indicates the average time taken by the CPU of this node to process the input messages.


The value of this measure should be equal to or less than the value of the Average elapsed time measure.

Maximum CPU time

Indicates the maximum time taken by the CPU of this node to process an input message.



Invocation rate

Indicates the rate at which the messages i.e., invocations are processed by this node.


Comparing the value of this measure helps you to identify the node that is currently experiencing slowdowns in processing messages.