Configuring Tests for the Managed Windows Service Application

The tests to be configured will vary according to the type of application being managed - whether its a standalone application or a web-based application. This topic discusses both these scenarios.

Configuring Tests for a Microsoft .NET Application

If you have managed a web-based Windows service application as a Microsoft .NET Application in eG, then follow the steps below to configure its tests.

  1. As soon as the target application is managed in eG Enterprise, Figure 1 will appear displaying the managed application.

    Figure 1 : The Microsoft .NET Application being monitored

  2. Click on the icon (see Figure 1) corresponding to the displayed application to configure its tests.Figure 2 will then appear.

    Figure 2 : Selecting tests for configuration

  3. The UNCONFIGURED TESTS list in Figure 2 lists the tests that need to be manually configured. From here, first choose the Processes test for configuration, and then click the Configure button. Figure 3 will then appear.

    Figure 3 : Configuring the Processes test

  4. To know how to configure the Processes test, click here.

  5. After successfully configuring the Processes test, pick the Windows Processes test from the UNCONFIGURED TESTS list of Figure 2, and click on the Configure button to configure it. Figure 4 will then appear.

    Figure 4 : Configuring the Windows Processes test

  6. To know how to configure the Windows Processes test, click here.

  7. Once the Windows Processes test is successfully configured, click on the Windows Services test in Figure 2, and click the Configure button to configure it. Figure 5 will then appear.

    Figure 5 : Configuring the Windows Services test

  8. To know how to configure the Windows Services test, click here.

  9. Finally, sign out of the eG administrative interface.

Configuring Tests for a Microsoft .NET Client

If you have managed a standalone Windows service application as a Microsoft .NET Client component in eG, then follow the steps below to configure its tests.

  1. As soon as the target application is managed in eG Enterprise, Figure 1 will appear displaying the managed application.

    Figure 6 : The Microsoft .NET Client component being monitored

  2. Click on the icon (see Figure 1) corresponding to the displayed application to configure its tests. Figure 2 will then appear.

    Figure 7 : Selecting tests for configuration for a Microsoft .NET Client component

  3. The UNCONFIGURED TESTS list in Figure 2 lists the tests that need to be manually configured. From here, first choose the Application Process test for configuration, and then click the Configure button. Figure 3 will then appear.

    Figure 8 : Configuring the Application Process test

  4. To know how to configure the Application Process test,click here.

  5. After successfully configuring the Application Process test, pick the Custom Event Log test from Figure 2 and click the Configure button. This will open Figure 9.

    Figure 9 : Configuring the Custom Event Log test

  6. To know how to configure the Custom Event Log test,click here.

  7. Once the Custom Event Log test is successfully configured, select the Processes test in Figure 2 and click the Configure button. Figure 10 will then be invoked.

    Figure 10 : Configuring the Processes test for a Microsoft .NET Client component

  8. To know how to configure the Processes test,click here.

  9. After successfully configuring the Processes test, pick the Windows Processes test from the UNCONFIGURED TESTS list of Figure 2, and click on the Configure button to configure it. Figure 4 will then appear.

    Figure 11 : Configuring the Windows Processes test for a Microsoft .NET Client component

  10. To know how to configure the Windows Processes test,click here.

  11. Once the Windows Processes test is successfully configured, click on the Windows Services test in Figure 2, and click the Configure button to configure it. Figure 5 will then appear.

    Figure 12 : Configuring the Windows Services test for a Microsoft .NET Client component

  12. To know how to configure the Windows Services test,click here.

  13. Finally, sign out of the eG administrative interface.