Managing the Qmail Server

The eG Enterprise can automatically discover the Qmail server. However, the discovered Qmail component is managed manually. To achieve this, do the following:

  1. Login to the administrative interface of eG as an administrator (admin).
  2. If a Qmail server is already discovered, then directly proceed towards managing it using the COMPONENTS – MANAGE / UNMANAGE page (Infrastructure -> Components -> Manage/Unmanage). However, if it is yet to be discovered, then run discovery (Infrastructure -> Components -> Discover) to get it discovered or add the component manually using the COMPONENTS page (Infrastructure -> Components -> Add/Modify). Remember that components manually added are managed automatically. Discovered components, however, are managed using the COMPONENTS – MANAGE / UNMANAGE page. Figure 1 and Figure 2 clearly illustrate the process of managing the Qmail server.


    Figure 1 : Selecting the Qmail server to be monitored


    Figure 2 : Managing the selected Qmail server

  3. Now, try to sign out of the user interface. Doing so, will bring up the following page, which lists the unconfigured tests for the Qmail server.


    Figure 3 : A page displaying the tests the need to be configured for the Qmail server

  4. Click on any test to configure in the list of unconfigured tests. For instance, click on the Qmail Delivery test to configure it. In the page that appears, specify the parameters as shown in Figure 4.


    Figure 4 : Configuring the Qmail Delivery test

  5. Once again, try signing out of the administrative interface, and this time, click on Mail test in the list of unconfigured tests to configure it. See Mail Test for a more elaborate discussion on how to configure the Mail test.
  6. After configuring the Mail test, try to sign out once again. Now, you will be prompted to configure the Processes test. Please refer to Processes Test for more details on configuring the Processes test.
  7. Finally, signout of the eG administrative interface.