SSL-Enabling the eG Manager on Windows

The eG manager on Windows includes a default SSL certificate. If you SSL-enable the eG manager using this default certificate, then all you need to do is click the Yes button when the eG manager setup process requests you to indicate whether the manager is to be SSL-enabled or not. Doing so will instantly enable the eG agent to communicate with the eG manager via HTTPS.

However, if you choose not to use the default certificate, then, you have the following options:

  1. You can obtain a signed certificate from an internal certifying authority (eg., Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services) and use this certificate to SSL-enable the eG manager, (OR)
  2. You can obtain a signed certificate from a valid, external certifying authority (eg., Verisign) and use this certificate to SSL-enable the eG manager

If you go with option (a), use the procedure detailed in the SSL-Enabling the eG Manager Using a Certificate Signed by an Internal CA topic. If you pick option (b), use the procedure detailed in SSL-Enabling the eG Manager Using a Signed Certificate Obtained from a Valid Certifying Authority topic.