2023 년 eG Innovations Korea Partner Engineers’ Workshop이 홍천 비발디파크 소노펠리체에서 지난 11월 2 일과 3 일, 이틀에 걸쳐 진행되었습니다.

파트너 엔지니어를 위한 Workshop이었으며, eG Innovations Korea 지사 인원 및 11개 파트너사 엔지니어 및 영업을 포함하여 30여분이 참석했습니다.

Pictures of attendees at eG Innovations Partner Day 2023 in Korea
2023년은 많은 국내 고객들이 VDI 모니터링에 관심을 보인 만큼, VDI 모니터링 관점에 세션을 진행 하였습니다.

세션은 VDI, SAP 등 다섯 가지 주제로 아래와 같은 목차로 진행하였습니다.

  • eG End-To-End MonitoringHCINFO, Daejung Lee
  • eG VDI Monitoring – eG Innovations Korea, Byungjoo Lee
  • eG VDI License Policy and Implementation Best Practice – eG Innovations Korea, Inseop Lee
  • eG SAP Monitoring – eG Innovations Korea, Jusang Baek
  • eG Implementation Case and eG Korea Roadmap – eG Innovations Korea, Hyunchan Kim

Workshop은 아주 효과적이었으며, 참가한 엔지니어와 영업들이 많은 질문과 의견을 제시했습니다.

많은 참여에 다시 한번 감사드리며, 다음에도 더 다양한 주제를 가지고 세션을 진행할 수 있도록 준비하겠습니다. 또한, 이 행사를 후원해 주신 총판사 HCINFO 측과 eG Innovations Korea의 모든 분들께 특별한 감사를 전합니다.

2023 eG Innovations Korea Partner Engineers’ Workshop

The 2023 eG Innovations Korea Partner Engineers’ Workshop was held on November 2nd and 3rd at Vivaldi Park Sonofelice in Hongcheon.

The workshop was for partner engineers and was attended by 30 people, including eG Innovations Korea office personnel and engineers and sales from 11 partners.

In 2023, we organized a session from a VDI monitoring perspective as many domestic customers showed interest in VDI monitoring.

The session was organized into five topics, including VDI, SAP, and more, with the following table of contents:

  • eG End-To-End Monitoring Introduction – HCINFO, Daejung Lee
  • eG VDI Monitoring Introduction – eG Korea, Byungjoo Lee
  • eG License Policy and Implementation Best Practice – eG Korea, Inseop Lee
  • eG SAP Monitoring Introduction – eG Korea, Jusang Baek
  • Share an eG deployment project story – eG Korea, Hyunchan Kim

The workshop was very effective, and the engineers and sales reps who attended had many questions and comments.

Thank you again for your participation, and we look forward to organizing more sessions with different topics next time. Also, a special thanks to our distributor HCINFO and everyone at eG Innovations Korea for sponsoring this event.

eG Enterprise is an Observability solution for Modern IT. Monitor digital workspaces,
web applications, SaaS services, cloud and containers from a single pane of glass.

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