Teams Inventory Test

Microsoft Teams allows individual teams to self-organize and collaborate across business scenarios.

Teams are a collection of people, content, and tools surrounding different projects and outcomes within an organization.

  • Teams can be created to be private to only invited users.

  • Teams can also be created to be public and open and anyone within the organization can join (up to 10,000 members).

Conversations, files and notes across team channels are only visible to members of the team.

Channels are dedicated sections within a team to keep conversations organized by specific topics, projects, disciplines. Files that you share in a channel (on the Files tab) are stored in SharePoint.

Channels are places where conversations happen and where the work actually gets done. Channels can be open to all team members or, if you need a more select audience, they can be private. Channels are most valuable when extended with apps that include tabs, connectors, and bots that increase their value to the members of the team.

In order to ascertain how well Microsoft Teams is used in an organization, administrators need to audit the usage of Microsoft Teams periodically. Such audits reveal if there are any inactive users on Microsoft Teams. Administrators can then identify the inactive users, understand the reason for inactivity, and decide whether/not their corresponding user accounts on Microsoft Teams need to be removed. To run these useful usage audits at configured intervals, administrators can use the Teams Inventory test.

Using this test, administrators can figure out the total number of active and inactive teams users on the target Microsoft Teams. The total count of teams and channels created on the target Microsoft Teams can also be determined. In addition, administrators can figure out the number of private teams and public teams created the target Microsoft Teams. The detailed diagnosis of this test helps administrators figure out the last active time of the inactive users and the teams with maximum number of channels.


This test uses the Microsoft Graph API. Tests that use Microsoft Graph API may not start reporting metrics right away. Sometimes, they may go without reporting metrics for over 48 hours. This is normal behavior, and it occurs because, Microsoft does not collect/refresh the metrics as frequently as the test executes.

Target of the test : Domain-Microsoft Teams

Agent deploying the test : A remote agent

Outputs of the test : One set of results for the monitored Domain-Microsoft Teams

Configurable parameters for the test
Parameters Description

Test period

How often should the test be executed


The host for which the test is to be configured. By default, this is

O365 User Name, O365 Password, and Confirm Password

For execution, this test requires the privileges of an O365 user who has been assigned the Service support admin role and is vested with the View-Only Audit Logs and Team administrator permissions. Configure the credentials of such a user against O365 User Name and O365 Password text boxes. Confirm the password by retyping it in the Confirm Password text box.

While you can use the credentials of any existing O365 user with the afore-said privileges, it is recommended that you create a special user for monitoring purposes using the Office 365 portal and use the credentials of that user here. To know how to create a new user using the Office 365 portal and assign the required privileges to that user, refer to Creating a New User in the Office 365 Portal.

Lookup Domain

Specify the name of the domain that is to be monitored. For example, if the user wants to monitor the performance of domain, then the domain name has to be keyed in as in the Lookup Domain text box.

Domain Name, Domain User Name, Domain Password, and Confirm Password

These parameters are applicable only if the eG agent needs to communicate with the Office 365 portal via a Proxy server.

In this case, in the Domain text box, specify the name of the Windows domain to which the eG agent host belongs. In the Domain User Name text box, mention the name of a valid domain user with login rights to the eG agent host. Provide the password of that user in the Domain Password text box and confirm that password by retyping it in the Confirm Password text box.

On the other hand, if the eG agent is not behind a Proxy server, then you need not disturb the default setting of these parameters. By default, these parameters are set to none.

Proxy Host, Proxy Port, Proxy User Name, Proxy Password and Confirm Password

These parameters are applicable only if the eG agent needs to communicate with the Office 365 portal via a Proxy server.

In this case, provide the IP/host name and port number of the Proxy server that the eG agent should use in the Proxy Host and Proxy Port parameters, respectively.

If the Proxy server requires authentication, then specify the credentials of a valid Proxy user against the Proxy User Name and Proxy Password text boxes. Confirm that password by retyping it in the Confirm Password text box. If the Proxy server does not require authentication, then specify none against the Proxy User Name, Proxy Password, and Confirm Password text boxes.

On the other hand, if the eG agent is not behind a Proxy server, then you need not disturb the default setting of any of the Proxy-related parameters. By default, these parameters are set to none.

Show Inactive Users

By default, this parameter is set to No indicating that this test will not report the detailed diagnosis for the Inactive teams users measure by default. However, if you wish to view the detailed diagnosis for the Inactive teams users measure, set this flag to Yes.

Tenant Name

This parameter applies only if you want the eG agent to use Azure AD Certificate-based Authentication for accessing and monitoring an O365 tenant and its resources.

Azure AD certificate-based authentication (CBA) enables customers to allow or require users to authenticate with X.509 certificates against their Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) for applications and browser sign-in. When monitoring highly secure Office 365 environments, you can configure the eG agent to identify itself to a tenant using a valid X.509 certificate, so that it is allowed secure access to the tenant and its resources.

By default, the value of this parameter is none. This means that, by default, the eG agent does not use certificate-based authentication to connect to an O365 tenant.

On the other hand, if you want the eG agent to use this modern authentication technique to securely access a tenant's resources, you should do the following:

  1. Enable Azure AD Certificate-based authentication for the target O365 tenant; this can be achieved manually, via the Office 365 portal, or automatically, using Powershell scripts we provide. For the manual procedure, refer to Manually Enabling Certificate-based Authentication For an Office 365 Tenantunder Microsoft Office 365. For the automatic procedure, refer to Automatically Enabling Certificate-based Authentication for an Office 365 Tenantunder Microsoft Office 365.

    When enabling certificate-based authentication, an X.509 certificate will be generated for the target tenant.

  2. Configure the Tenant Name parameter with the name of the tenant for which certificate-based authentication is enabled. Using the tenant name, the eG agent will be able to read the details of the X.509 certificate that is generated for that tenant, and use that certificate to access that tenant's resources. To determine the tenant name, do the following:

    • Log in to the Microsoft 365 Admin Center as an administrator.

    • Under Setup, click on Domains.

    • Find a domain that ends with - this is your Microsoft O365 tenant name.

DD Frequency

Refers to the frequency with which detailed diagnosis measures are to be generated for this test. The default is 1:1. This indicates that, by default, detailed measures will be generated every time the test runs, and also every time the test detects a problem. You can modify this frequency, if you so desire. Also, if you intend to disable the detailed diagnosis capability for this test, you can do so by specifying none against DD Frequency.

Detailed Diagnosis

To make diagnosis more efficient and accurate, the eG Enterprise embeds an optional detailed diagnostic capability. With this capability, the eG agents can be configured to run detailed, more elaborate tests as and when specific problems are detected. To enable the detailed diagnosis capability of this test for a particular server, choose the On option. To disable the capability, click on the Off option. The option to selectively enabled/disable the detailed diagnosis capability will be available only if the following conditions are fulfilled:

  • The eG manager license should allow the detailed diagnosis capability
  • Both the normal and abnormal frequencies configured for the detailed diagnosis measures should not be 0.
Measurements made by the test
Measurement Description Measurement Unit Interpretation

Total teams

Indicates the total number of teams created in the target Microsoft Teams within the organization.



Private teams

Indicates the total number of teams that are private i.e, exclusive only to the members of the teams.



Public teams

Indicates the total number of teams that are public i.e., all users of an organization are free to join the team.




Indicates the total number of channels created for communication by the users of the teams.


The detailed diagnosis of the Channels measure reveals the teams that are utilizing the maximum number of channels. Besides, the detailed diagnostics also reveals the date on which the team was created, the number of members in the team and the name of the team owner.

Active teams users

Indicates the number of currently active users belonging to the teams .



Inactive teams users

Indicates the number of users belonging to the teams who are currently inactive.


The detailed diagnosis of the Inactive teams users measure reveals which user belonging to which team is inactive. You may want to check the detailed diagnostics periodically to figure out the last activity of the user in a team and start investigating on why the user had been inactive for a longer duration.

The detailed diagnosis of the Inactive teams users measure reveals which user belonging to which team is inactive. You may want to check the detailed diagnostics periodically to figure out the last activity of the user in a team and start investigating on why the user had been inactive for a longer duration.

Figure 1 : The detailed diagnostics of the Inactive teams users measure

The detailed diagnosis of the Channels measure reveals the teams that are utilizing the maximum number of channels. Besides, the detailed diagnostics also reveals the date on which the team was created, the number of members in the team and the name of the team owner.

Figure 2 : The detailed diagnosis of the Channels measure