JEUS Connection Pool Test
Sufficient free connections should be available in the connections pools on a JEUS web application server, so that applications deployed on the server are able to communicate with the database server without any interruption. If a connection pool runs out of free connections, then application-database interactions will be adversely impacted, thereby significantly degrading application performance. This is why, it is imperative that administrators continuously track the usage of connection pools on the server, and proactively detect the shortage of free connections in any connection pool. The JEUS Connection Pool test helps administrators in this regard!
This test auto-discovers the connection pools on the server and monitors the usage of each connection pool. This test periodically reports the number of connections that were created and destroyed in each connection pool. Besides, this test accurately pinpoints the connection pool that is being over-utilized and hence running out of free connections. In the process, this test also reports the average time taken for a connection to be granted from each connection pool. Using this test, administrators can easily figure out the connection pool that is busy.
Target of the test : A JEUS Web Application server
Agent deploying the test : An internal agent
Outputs of the test : One set of results for each connection pool on the target server.
Parameter | Description |
Test period |
How often should the test be executed. |
Host |
The host for which the test is to be configured. |
Port |
The port at which the specified host listens. By default, this is 9736. |
Username and Password |
To enable the eG agent to communicate and continuously monitor the target JEUS server, the eG agent should be configured with the credentials of the admin user on the server. In highly-secure environments, administrators may not want to expose the credentials of the user possessing administrator privileges. In such environments, for monitoring the JEUS application server, administrators have an option to create a new user on the JEUS server and assign administrator privilege to that user. The steps to create a new user with administrator privilege are explained in Creating a User with Administrator Privileges |
Confirm Password |
Confirm the Password by retyping it here. |
Listener Port |
To collect metrics from the target server, the eG agent should be configured to use JMX to connect to the JRE used by the target server and pull out the performance metrics. By default, JMX support is enabled for the JRE used by the target server. The JMX connector listens on port 9736, by default. Therefore, type 9736 as the Listener Port. However, if the host is configured with multiple sever instances, then you should specify the port number at which the JMX listens in your environment. Ensure that you specify the same port that you configured while creating the listener (if required) using the JEUS WebAdmin Console. To know the details on the listener port, refer to Enabling JMX Support for the JEUS Web Application Server |
Export name |
The export name is the reference name of the RMI connector that is to be used as a JMX connector. The procedure to obtain the export name is detailed in Enabling JMX Support for the JEUS Web Application Server |
Server name |
Provide the name of the sever instance that is being monitored in the Server Name text box. Also, ensure that the JVM monitoring is enabled for the target server. To obtain the name of the server instance, refer to Enabling JMX Support for the JEUS Web Application Server |
Measurement | Description | Measurement Unit | Interpretation |
Created connections |
Indicates the number of connections created in this connection pool during the last measurement period. |
Number |
Used connections |
Indicates the number of connections that were utilized during the last measurement period. |
Number |
Free connections |
Indicates the number of connections that are available for use in this connection pool. |
Number |
Ideally, the value of this measure is preferred to be high. A very low value of this measure could result in a shortage of connections in the pool. |
Connections used |
Indicates the percentage of connections utilized in this connection pool. |
Percent |
Total connections |
Indicates the total number of connections in this connection pool during the last measurement period. |
Number |
This measure is a good indicator of load on the connection pool. |
Connection waiting time |
Indicates the time a client has to wait before a connection was granted from this connection pool. |
Sec |
A low value is desired for this measure. Compare the value of this measure across the connection pools to figure out the connection pool that takes too long to grant a connection i.e., in other words administrator can figure out the connection pool that is too busy to grant a connection. |
Connection using time |
Indicates the time for which the connections of this connection pool were in use. |
Sec |
Connection waiting queue |
Indicates the number of connections of this connection pool that were waiting in the queue during the last measurement period. |
Number |
Destroyed connections |
Indicates the number of connections destroyed during the last measurement period. |
Number |