OneDrive Site Connectivity Test

If there is something that can mar user experience with OneDrive for Business, then it is the frequent unavailability and consistently poor responsiveness of the sites hosted on OneDrive for Business. This is why, administrators prioritize site accessibility-related issues above all else, and strive to capture and fix such issues before users notice and complain. This is where the OneDrive Site Connectivity test comes in handy!

For each site that is configured for monitoring, this test, at frequent intervals, emulates an HTTP/S connection to that site and reports on the availability and responsiveness of that site. Besides sending out pre-emptive alerts to administrators regarding the unavailability/slowness of a site, the test also reports the response code returned by the site for the emulated request. In the event that the site is unavailable, the response code will point administrators to the probable reason for the non-availability. Also, a web site can be considered truly 'available', only if the page that is hit displays 'valid' content - i.e., the content that it is supposed to display during normal operations, and not junk data or error messages. The test also reports the validity of the content of the target site, and thus paints a 'true' picture of availability.

Target of the test : Microsoft OneDrive for Business

Agent deploying the test : A remote agent

Outputs of the test : One set of results for each SITE URL monitored

First-level descriptor: Display Name of a site, in the SITE URL configuration

Configurable parameters for the test

Parameters Description

Test period

How often should the test be executed


The host for which the test is to be configured. By default, this is

Tenant Name

This parameter applies only if you want the eG agent to use Azure AD Certificate-based Authentication for accessing and monitoring an O365 tenant and its resources.

Azure AD certificate-based authentication (CBA) enables customers to allow or require users to authenticate with X.509 certificates against their Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) for applications and browser sign-in. When monitoring highly secure Office 365 environments, you can configure the eG agent to identify itself to a tenant using a valid X.509 certificate, so that it is allowed secure access to the tenant and its resources.

By default, the value of this parameter is none. This means that, by default, the eG agent does not use certificate-based authentication to connect to an O365 tenant.

On the other hand, if you want the eG agent to use this modern authentication technique to securely access a tenant's resources, you should do the following:

  1. Enable Azure AD Certificate-based authentication for the target O365 tenant; this can be achieved manually, via the Office 365 portal, or automatically, using Powershell scripts we provide. For the manual procedure, refer to Manually Enabling Certificate-based Authentication For an Office 365 Tenantunder Microsoft Office 365. For the automatic procedure, refer to Automatically Fulfilling Pre-requisites in a Modern Authentication-Enabled Environmentunder Microsoft Office 365.

    When enabling certificate-based authentication, an X.509 certificate will be generated for the target tenant.

  2. Configure the Tenant Name parameter with the name of the tenant for which certificate-based authentication is enabled. Using the tenant name, the eG agent will be able to read the details of the X.509 certificate that is generated for that tenant, and use that certificate to access that tenant's resources. To determine the tenant name, do the following:

    • Log in to the Microsoft 365 Admin Center as an administrator.

    • Under Setup, click on Domains.

    • Find a domain that ends with - this is your Microsoft O365 tenant name.

O365 User Name, O365 Password, and Confirm Password

These parameters need to be configured only if the Tenant Name parameter is set to none. On the other hand, if a valid Tenant Name is configured, then you should set these parameters to none .

For execution, this test requires the privileges of an O365 user who has been assigned theService support admin and SharePoint admin roles and is vested with the View-Only Audit Logs permission. Configure the credentials of such a user against O365 User Name and O365 Password text boxes. Confirm the password by retyping it in the Confirm Password text box.

While you can use the credentials of any existing O365 user with the afore-said privileges, it is recommended that you create a special user for monitoring purposes using the Office 365 portal and use the credentials of that user here. To know how to create a new user using the Office 365 portal and assign the required privileges to that user, refer to Creating a New User in the Office 365 Portalunder Microsoft Office 365. To know how to manually create a new user using the Office 365 portal and assign the required privileges to that user, refer to theCreating a New User in the Office 365 Portaltopic. You can also useeG's proprietary PowerShell script to automatically create a new user, or assign the required privileges to an existing user. To know how to use this script, refer to theAutomatically Fulfilling Pre-requisites in a Basic Authentication-Enabled Environmenttopic.

O365 Domain

This parameter needs to be configured only if the Tenant Name parameter is set to none. On the other hand, if a valid Tenant Name is configured, then you should set this parameter to none .

To have a personalized business email address, team site address, or even an account name, you set up a domain name with Office 365. A domain is a unique name that appears after the @ sign in email addresses, and after www. in web addresses. It typically takes the form of your organization's name and a standard Internet suffix, such as or Office 365 gives you an initial domain name to use. By default, this will be of the format: * - eg., To enable this test to pull metrics, you need to configure the test with the name of this initial domain. Therefore, configure the O365 Domain parameter with the name of the initial domain. To know what is your Office 365 initial domain name, do the following:

  1. Log on to the Microsoft Office 365 Online Portal using an administrative account.
  2. Under Management, click on Domains.
  3. The initial domain should be listed with a name ending with

Domain, Domain User Name, Domain Password, and Confirm Password

These parameters are applicable only if the eG agent needs to communicate with the Office 365 portal via a Proxy server.

In this case, in the Domain text box, specify the name of the Windows domain to which the eG agent host belongs. In the Domain User Name text box, mention the name of a valid domain user with login rights to the eG agent host. Provide the password of that user in the Domain Password text box and confirm that password by retyping it in the Confirm Password text box.

On the other hand, if the eG agent is not behind a Proxy server, then you need not disturb the default setting of these parameters. By default, these parameters are set to none.

Proxy Host, Proxy Port, Proxy User Name, and Proxy Password

These parameters are applicable only if the eG agent needs to communicate with the Office 365 portal via a Proxy server.

In this case, provide the IP/host name and port number of the Proxy server that the eG agent should use in the Proxy Host and Proxy Port parameters, respectively.

If the Proxy server requires authentication, then specify the credentials of a valid Proxy user against the Proxy User Name and Proxy Password text boxes. Confirm that password by retyping it in the Confirm Password text box. If the Proxy server does not require authentication, then specify none against the Proxy User Name, Proxy Password, and Confirm Password text boxes.

On the other hand, if the eG agent is not behind a Proxy server, then you need not disturb the default setting of any of the Proxy-related parameters. By default, these parameters are set to none.

Site URLs

Provide a comma-separated list of sites to be monitored. The format of your specification should be as follows: <DisplayName>:<Site_URL>. For example, your specification can be:


Note that the <DisplayName> specifications will be the descriptors of this test.

Measurements made by the test
Measurement Description Measurement Unit Interpretation

Web availability

This measurement indicates whether this site was able to respond successfully to the query made by the test.


If this measure reports the value 100%, it implies that the site is accessible. The value 0 on the other hand indicates that the site is not accessible over HTTP/S.

Availability failures could be caused by several factors such as the web site being down, the web site being misconfigured, a network failure, etc. Temporary unavailability may also occur if the web site is overloaded. Availability is determined based on the response code returned by the site. A response code between 200 to 300 indicates that the site is available.

Response code

The response code returned by this site for the simulated request


A value between 200 and 300 indicates a good response. A 4xx value indicates a problem with the requested content (eg., page not found). A 5xx value indicates a server error.

Response time

This measurement indicates the time taken by this site to respond to the requests it receives.


Response time being high denotes a problem. Poor response times may be due to the site being overloaded or misconfigured. If the URL accessed involves the generation of dynamic content, backend problems (e.g., an overload at the application server or a database failure) can also result in an increase in response time.